Meet Odysseus.

So I as you know I’ve been searching for a job ever since graduation in the spring. This is the absolute worst time time to be a recent graduate, but this isn’t the first time I’ve been searching fruitlessly for work. The summer between my freshman and sophomore college years I applied everywhere including the now defunct Circuit City. On their 20+ page online application/exam I was asked these questions.
![]() | I screen capped this back in 2006 well before I had a blog, but I knew it would be worth something someday.
Lets run down the list. Is my stuff messy? Sure. Can I take it easy? Yeah. Do I duck school? Not really. Do I find flaws in the criminal justice maddening? That's taking it a bit too far. Circuit City, I'm glad you failed. I found your still being in operation maddening. For the record I find innocent people being convicted to be far more troublesome, but I wouldn’t ever call it maddening. |
I’m sorry for posting another Freedom Force skope. These aren’t even remotely interesting to you are they? Well I’m proud of my art! So back off theoretical reader!
This mesh is meant for hexers and skopers. It's an alteration of Lord Ehmsidy's Crymsin mesh to have a bunch of different body variations including: female_big_chest_heels, female_pants_shirt, female_pants, female_small_chest, female_small_chest_heels, female_no_mouth, female_no_face_pants. The mesh is male_basic keyframe compatible. It can be easily skoped into place on other male meshes. The standard skin is based on matrix_female_vx and c6_female_muscular. Pick it up on my Freedom Force site.
Friends and family who read this blog will in no way be interested in this post beyond how utterly weird these screenshots look.
These meshes are meant for skoping and hexing. It contains all the parts from Gni's various male_basic meshes. There are too many parts to mention. Pick them up on my FF website.
Renee Montoya became the new Question during DC's 52 series. This mesh combines a lot of sources to get her new look right, hope it's worth the effort.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Based on a request from the always lovely Artemis, I've re-created Shadow with Tombstone's animations and guns. I re-skinned her to fit the new mesh.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
As the best best friend a person can have, I’ve been making wallpapers for Joanna’s LG Dare phone. I’ve been doing this for a long time now. Some are just resizes of pictures, and some I colored. The art is stolen from Kate Beaton, Natalie Dee, Nedroid, Dinosaur Comics, Daisy Owl, Homestar Runner, Penny Arcade, 8-Bit, Threadless, and FFFound.
Why yes, I am the best friend anyone can have. It’s true.
I’m not a good blogger. My last update was almost 10 days ago. In that time real life has kicked my ass. My roommate moved back to Indiana forcing me to find a cheaper place to stay. Not that I can afford that because I still haven’t found a job. LA is great when you can afford it, but it’s the second most expensive city to live in the United States. I’ve still been working on my Freedom Force projects. They keep me busy and creative during the down time that is unemployment. Things are looking up though. I’ve got some interviews in the future and if one works out then the move out west will be totally worth it.
I’ve got new updates running through the rest of this week. Check back every day for more Ewzzy.
I whipped up some FX to greater enhance your Dr McNinja experience in Freedom Force. Mongo vs Bee-Man.
Look at Bee-Man in that picture, he's dead now. Dying is basically all he can do. Complete your Chainsaw Ninja with this in-game FX. He'll actually be able to throw a chainsaw.
It may look like Bee-Man gets his revenge in that picture, but you know that being shot by a bee, even a big 'ol bee isn't as scary as a chainsaw attack. Make Bee-Man slightly more useful with this in-game FX.
"Ewzzy was a bounty hunter in the depression era Midwest. A chase led him out west to California to find a target supposedly entangled in the arcane. He found his target and interrupted a ceremony that would have given the target power over death. Instead, Ewzzy found himself on the receiving end of the mystical power surge. The target escaped in the confusion and Ewzzy was granted phenomenal powers. 65 years later, still alive, his target long since passed, Ewzzy uses his power to fight evil on the streets of Los Angeles."