Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Lets Do The Math: From IN to CA
Left at 9:30 AM Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 9th.
Arrived at 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Sunday
Moving Time: 38.45 hours
Total Time: 106.5 hours
Total Distance Traveled: 2446.73 miles
Gas Consumption: 29 mpg or 84 gallons
Gas Price: $2.60 average or $124.80
How fast?
Moving Average 63.8 mph
Total Average 22.97 mph
Max Speed 86.7 mph
Shall we break it down?
11 hours from North Vernon, IN to Tulsa, Ok
9 hours to Albuquerque, NM
4.5 hours to Flagstaff, AZ
3 hours to the Grand Caynon and back to Flagstaff
4.5 hours to Las Vegas, NV
5 hours to Los Angeles, CA
Notes: The reason our stopped time is so long is because we spent a long time at the Grand Canyon and a day in Vegas as well as getting plenty of sleep when possible. Mom did set the max speed as registered on the GPS. Gas consumption wasn't all that high because of the high mpg of the Sunfire. It gets closer to 35 mpg when it isn't overloaded with my stuff. Thanks to Garmin for providing most of the moving speed, distance traveled, and moving time. The rest could be extrapolated from those stats and memory.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A Night at the Arclight with Transformers 2
I would have taken better pictures but there was a crowd outside of a club next door and we were in a hurry to make it to the subway. There were some cameramen so somebody in the crowd must have been famous. O'Neil claims he saw T-Pain. It's two in the morning at this point and we didn't know it but the subway had already closed. We then hopped on a bus. We realized it was heading the wrong direction and got off immediately. Then we got in a cab which took us home. So I used all major forms of public transportation available tonight. What an adventure!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Road Trip Blowout
Here's an archive of all the awesome pictures from my Indiana to California road trip. I'll try and caption some for explanations.
More posts coming soon including an apartment walkthrough and road trip statistics for those of you who care.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Quick Update: Part 12
Quick Update: Part 11
Can of Coke
Quick Update: Part 10
Vegas Concluded
Blue Man Group was so amazing. They have a simple way of setting up the rules of a scene and then pushing those rules as far as possible before breaking them. It's hard to describe but it's consistent throughout the show. My favorite thing about the show was the way you can be given everything you need to understand what's going on, but you can still be suprised. If I wanted to I could describe the whole show to you section by section, but I don't want it to lose it's impact. Suffice it to say, it was a highly memorable experience.
We also watched the Bellagio water dance like 4 times. It is so cool. Now for the final road trip: to LA!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What happens in Vegas goes to LA
Another change of plans: we're only spending one night in Vegas so we'll be in LA even sooner. I can't wait!
But first! Off we go to see Blue Man Group and lose horribly at video poker!

The Hoover Dam
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Grand Canyon
Quick Update: Part 9
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Taft Presidential Suite
Quick Update: Part 8
I almost forgot!
Quick Update: Part 5
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Oklahoma Where the *Something Something* on the Plains!
Quick Update: Part 4
Quick Update: Part 3
Quick Update: Part 2
Quick Update: Part 1
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
All packed up for LA
Monday, June 8, 2009
Without Troy Re-Premiere
So I re-premiere Without Troy in North Vernon, Indiana at the Park Theatre. It was a lot of fun. We had almost one-hundred people in attendance and we raised a lot of money for the scholarship that the Park Theatre gives to art students from North Vernon. I was the first recipient of the scholarship in 2005 and I can't thank them enough for all the support I've received over the years.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Forgive me Homer
When I was a freshman in at Jennings County High School I did a project of The Odyssey that resulted in me drawing anime versions of the characters. These are those drawings:
I am so ashamed. Truly this era of my life couldn't have ended sooner.