How long?
Left at 9:30 AM Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 9th.
Arrived at 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Sunday
Moving Time: 38.45 hours
Total Time: 106.5 hours
Total Distance Traveled: 2446.73 miles
Gas Consumption: 29 mpg or 84 gallons
Gas Price: $2.60 average or $124.80
How fast?
Moving Average 63.8 mph
Total Average 22.97 mph
Max Speed 86.7 mph
Shall we break it down?
11 hours from North Vernon, IN to Tulsa, Ok
9 hours to Albuquerque, NM
4.5 hours to Flagstaff, AZ
3 hours to the Grand Caynon and back to Flagstaff
4.5 hours to Las Vegas, NV
5 hours to Los Angeles, CA
Notes: The reason our stopped time is so long is because we spent a long time at the Grand Canyon and a day in Vegas as well as getting plenty of sleep when possible. Mom did set the max speed as registered on the GPS. Gas consumption wasn't all that high because of the high mpg of the Sunfire. It gets closer to 35 mpg when it isn't overloaded with my stuff. Thanks to Garmin for providing most of the moving speed, distance traveled, and moving time. The rest could be extrapolated from those stats and memory.