Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dead Weather at the Wiltern
Of course, my view looked nothing like that. I knew I had cheap seats but it turned out I had bought the seat furthest from the stage. This video is closer to my view.
Nonetheless I went home happy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Freedom Force - Ab-Man
Meet Ab-Man.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Freedom Force - Frans Rayner
Meet Frans Rayner.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Freedom Force - Death's Waiter
Meet Death's Waiter.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Freedom Force - Paul Bunyan
Meet Paul Bunyan.

Monday, August 17, 2009
Freedom Force - Bee-Man
Meet Bee-Man.
When we first met Bee-Man we watched him get shot to death. No really it's in his first appearance. He hasn't even been resurected. It's not part of some mystical origin either. Since then we've seen flashbacks where he gets tied up by Maurice, the pompitous of love, and his gangsters of love. Can his sidekick dog, Buzz, save him?
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Freedom Force - Mongo, The Chainsaw Ninja
Meet Mongo.
Mongo wields two chainsaws, often as nunchucks. This is impossibly scary. Have you considered the implications of this? Have you. Dr McNinja couldn't even beat this guy. He had to have him called off by Mongo's leader. Nobody beats the Chainsaw Ninja.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Freedom Force - Hortense
Meet Hortense.
Dr McNinja's ex-girlfriend Hortense secretly works for King Radical. Don't tell nobody. If Dr McNinja is like Batman (he wishes) then she would be his Catwoman. She operates on the other side of the law, but the emotions are still there. Weird squirmy emotions that ninja's aren't supposed to have.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Freedom Force – Martin
Meet Martin Birding and Marty Monster.
Martin Birding runs the Monster Mart chain of grocery stores. He grows into a big and purple ogre when he wants to. When he's angry or stressed out he can lose control. When Martin loses control he becomes the unstoppable Marty Monster. When he's transformed he gets dumber. So dumb that he'll sign just about any paper you put in front of him. That's a bad thing for a business man.

Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Santa Monica Pier part 3
[edit: now with video]
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Lost and Found
Friday, August 7, 2009
Freedom Force – Mitzi McNinja
Meet Mitzi McNinja.
Mitzi will kill you. I'm not saying that she will kill you if she has to either. I'm saying that she will be the one to kill you. It may look like cancer or a rogue meteor but I assure you that it was really her. She married into the McNinja family and has taken her role as mother to it's extremes. Her expertise are pickled beets and precisely aimed demolitions. Both are deadly.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Freedom Force – Gordito
Meet Gordito.
Gordito is a young boy who's father died in a circus accident. He wields his dead father's guns and grew a mustache from sheer will. He rides his own raptor named Yoshi. That makes him the coolest twelve year old ever.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Freedom Force – Dark Smoke Puncher
Meet Dark Smoke Puncher.
Sean McNinja chose the name 'Dark Smoke Puncher' as his ninja name. No seriously. He hides the fact that he is a total geek from his dad. His big brother, Dr McNinja, thinks that he is a toolbag. He wants to be a technomage.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Freedom Force – Dan McNinja
Meet Dan McNinja.
Dan McNinja is ashamed of you. It’s true. His son is a Doctor and he still isn’t good enough. Look at those eyes. Look at that mustache. Do you see the condemnation? That mustache has authority. The kind of authority that only a father who is also a ninja can wield. He once set himself on fire, “because they can’t grab me if I’m on fire.” Have you done that? I didn’t think so.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Freedom Force – Part 8 - Topaz
Meet Topaz.
Topaz, one of the three queens of Gwendor, was teleported to Earth and went on a rampage until being recruited as a member of Ultraforce by Contrary. She can turn her skin to metal and has the powers of flight super strength. In addition to this she wields an energy staff which can powerful blasts. Her world has only women so she doesn't trust any man.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
New Freedom Force – Part 7 – Ghoul
Meet Ghoul.
Ghoul is very hard to kill, since he is essentially already dead. Only the total disintegration of his body can permanently kill him. His limbs, if torn off, can be reattached or, in time, grow back. He does not feel pain and is immune to disease, poison, and radiation. Ghoul can communicate with the spirits of the deceased, even those who have been dead for tens of thousands of years. He can, in some cases, also sense a person's imminent death.
Skin does not include Mesh or Keyframes. Skin is used with Gni’s Question Mesh available here. Skin enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The California Science Center
New Freedom Force – Part 6 – Prototype
Meet Prototype.
Jimmy Ruiz was hired by a company called Ultra-Tech as a corporate spokesman/mascot named Prototype. He had devices surgically implanted in his body that enabled him to cybernetically control a suit of powered armor which enabled him to fly, fire blasts of concussive energy, and which greatly amplified his strength. Ultra-Tech had discovered that Jimmy was an Ultra that could supply his own energy, reducing the size of the powered suit. As Prototype, Jimmy Ruiz became a member of Ultraforce, helping defeat Atalon.
Skin includes mesh and keyframes with credit given to original authors in the readme.txt file. Skin and mesh enhanced to work in Freedom Force vs The Third Reich. Skin released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.