I mentioned before that Middle School is the weirdest time any person can have. Every move you make is a mistake. For instance, I started wearing Hawaiian shirts on a regular basis. It is also a time for first kisses and other confusing moments. The above picture is the zenith of those moments for me.
I'm the one in the big white jacket in the center. I am flanked by mutually dateless friends Alex and Josh. Did we know how to rock the 8th grade dance or what? In regards to my suit, I had just played Big Jule in Guy's and Dolls and thought wearing a zoot suit would be killer. Note that I am not wearing a zoot suit. The suit shop ordered the wrong thing and I ended up looking like a Beatle/bellhop for the night. Note that the little connector button at the neck is a Yin Yang. Oh yes.
PS. I did get my first kiss wearing that outfit. Thankfully not with Alex or Josh. (no offense guys)